Reduce Your Filler Words
Like, Uhm, Uhh, You know...
I'm so happy you are here!
If you want to reduce words like "like, uhh, and uhm, ya know, etc" so you speak clearly and sound better, then this is your mini-course.
I am sharing my top speaking tips to help you reduce the overuse of those annoying filler words when you communicate.
Uhm, uhh, like, do you feel like you sound unintelligent when you use filler words?
And uhm, do you cringe knowing that, you know, how you may sound to yourself and/or others?
Does this keep you from sharing your message?
Are you afraid to be be interviewed on a Podcast or Livestream video?
Don't be discouraged, you are not alone.
In the Harvard Business Review, Noah Zandan, CEO and co-founder of Quantified Communications shares that when speaking, the average person uses approximately five filler words per minute!
This is why I have created this quick and effective video for you. It is your mini-course with my top speaking tips to help you reduce the overuse of the annoying filler words when you talk so that YOU feel more confident to get out there and communicate your ideas, BE SEEN and HEARD!
Why I created this Lesson!
Before you begin...
Reduce Your Filler Words!
Congratulations! Now What?
Ellie Parvin
Include a list of items to support the central theme of your page. Bulleted lists are a great way to parse information into digestible pieces.
Reduce Your Filler Words
Improve the way you communicate
Sound Intelligent
Sound Smarter...